Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Penuhi Kuota Puslatda: Seleksi Atlet Selam Lewat Fin Swimming Sprint

Pengurus Provinsi (Pengprov) Persatuan Olahraga Selam Seluruh Indonesia (POSSI) Jawa Timur, terus menyiapkan atletnya yang di proyeksikan untuk PON 2012.

Selain menjalankan latihan reguler, juga akan menambah jumlah kuota atlet Puslatda-nya yang masih kurang. Khususnya untuk satu diantara nomor andalan Fin Swimming.

Nurul Anshori Pelatih Tim Selam Jawa Timur pada Budi Leksono reporter Suara Surabaya, Rabu (14/3/2012) mengatakan, untuk kebutuhan tambahan kuota atlet, POSSI Jatim akan melakukan seleksi lewat Fin Swimming Sprint. Dari seleksi ini, nantinya akan diambil 2 Putra dan 2 Putri.

Nurul menambahkan, proses seleksi untuk nomor Fin Swimming, akan dilakukan dalam 3 tahap. Yang pertama 18 Maret, 1 dan 15 April.

Proses seleksi nantinya akan melibatkan beberapa club selam yang tersebar di Jawa Timur. Masing-masing club, nantinya diwajibkan mengirimkan maksimal 5 atlet.

Nurul Anshori berharap, dari seleksi ini nantinya akan membuahkan hasil. Pengprov POSSI Jatim bisa mendapatkan minimal 4 atlet yang diharapkan bisa mengisi kekosongan kuota untuk nomer Fin Swimming.

Sebelumnya, Cabang Selam Jatim mempuslatdakan 22 atlet atlet. Tetapi 4 atlet dari nomor Fin Swimming terpaksa di degradasi karena tidak menunjukkan perkembangan yang signifikan.

Keempat atlet diantaranya Andi Wibowo, Dini Citra Nadia, Dimas Berlian dan Tedo Handaldi Putra. (suarasurabaya.net)

POSSI Siapkan Atlet ke Kejuaraan Dunia

JAKARTA. PB POSSI (Pengurus Besar Persatuan Olahraga Selam Seluruh Indonesia), berencana mengirimkan beberapa atlet terbaiknya ke Kejuaraan Dunia Renang Sirip Yunior di Graz, Austria, pada 16-22 Juli mendatang. Saat ini PB POSSI terus melakukan pemantauan terhadap para penyelam muda tanah air. Salah satunya yang akan menjadi pertimbangan pemilihan atlet adalah Kejurnas Renang Sirip Yunior awal April nanti.
    "Nantinya tim akan diisi para perenang sirip yang memperkuat tim renang sirip di ajang SEA Games XXVI-2011 lalu," ujar Sekjen PB POSSI Merari Nainggolan, ketika dihubungi.
     Merari menyatakan, sebelum berangkat ke Austria, kekuatan tim terus dipantau dalam Kejurnas Renang Sirip Yunior di Jakarta. Itu dilakukan demi melihat perkembangan kemampuan atlet selama berlatih.
"Kejurnas nanti sekaligus jadi ajang pencarian bibit-bibit muda yang akan kami masukkan dalam skuad Prima Pratama, yaitu atlet usia 14-19 tahun," tambah Merari.
    Pada SEA Games XXVI-2011, fin swimming berhasil meraih 7 medali emas, 8 perak dan 2 perunggu. Prestasi itu cukup membanggakan meski cabang ini tak termasuk yang diandalkan di SEA Games XXVI. (samarindapost)

XII Internation Finswimming Open in Ordizia

The last International Finswimming Open of Ordizia was held on March 3, 2012. 150 best finswimmers of the moment from 20 teams coming from Algeria, Korea, France, Italy and the host country, Spain provided a great show at the pool of Majori sport center in Ordizia.
For the second time in the history of the championship, Stefano Figini won the "txapela" with 991 points, by a fantastic 1'22 "33 in the 200 surface. As the former world record holder, Andrea Nava wanted to surprise his opponents by doing a brilliant first 100 metres, the racers created the most spectacular heat of the Open. The current record holder did not overtake Nava until the last 15 meters in an exhausting final.
Among boys Andrea Rampazzo, record holder in the distance and World and Europe Champion, arrived second place with 975 points in the 50 bifin. The third swimmer in the standings was Andrea Nava due to the great time he got on the 50 meters surface, 16 "51.
Among girls the winner, for the second consecutive year, was Camille Heitz. She got a total of 1004 points by beating Galija Sattarova's Open record made in 2006 and leaving it in an incredible 18"94. The second arrival was the Balearic Cristina Lopez who had been very close to break the record in the 800m surface and scored 994 points. Finally, the third racer was the also French Lea Pascualotti with 962 points scored in the 200m surface.
Points are given according to a formula comparing the time obtained with the record of the Open. The winner is that swimmer, who gets the highest score in one of contest he/she participates. This year, strangely only one of the Open records was beaten, considering the participation four World Champions and one of the best Asian finswimmers of the moment. The explanation could be found in the fact that the organization has achieved over the various editions an extremely high sport, ensuring that the winner is the highest level swimmer.
This year, the organization decided to honor the coaches of Igarondo Urpekoak and Ordizia K.E. Urpekoak. Jon Espina and Gorka Merino have been the souls of Finswimming over the last 20 years in Euskadi. Without them, it wouldn’t be possible to understand the Finswimming in Euskadi and certainly any edition of the Open could be held.
As every year, the atmosphere was extraordinary in the pool. The stands were full throughout the whole day and the festive atmosphere lasted until night. The organization is very pleased with both the entertaining and the sport level of this edition

The history of C.M.A.S

On the 28th of September 1958, delegates from the following Federations: Federal Republic of Germany, Belgium, Brazil, France, Greece, Italy, Monaco, Portugal, Switzerland, the United States of America and Yugoslavia met in Brussels on the occasion of the congress of the independent International Confederation gathering all underwater disciplines.
With this aim, a meeting was held in Monaco on January 9, 10 and 11, 1959 and a decision to establish the "World Confederation of Underwater Activities" in brief "C.M.A.S.", was taken.
This Confederation succeeded, specifically in regard to all functions and responsibilities, the "Comité des Sports Sous-Marins" (Underwater Sports Committee) of the International Confederation of Sport Fishing founded on the 22nd of February 1952